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MSSQL DBA Toolbelt

This is a compilation of SQL Server Database Administration scripts, links & notes that I have gained during my journey as a DBA. I hope this also serves others well.

MSSQL DBA Scripts (Work in Progress)

URL: https://github.com/petesql/mssql-dba-scripts
Description: Useful SQL Server Database Administration Scripts.
Includes: TSQL (90%) & PowerShell (10%)

General Quick Links

Version Control
# GitHub
# BitBucket
# SQL Server 2019 Downloads
# SQL Server Management Studio
# Visual Studio Code
# Git for Windows
# Azure Data Studio

SQL Server Links

Build Versions
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Supported Edition Features
# 2019, 2017, 2016, 2014, 2012, 2008-R2, 2008
Supported Version & Edition Upgrades
# 2017, 2019, 2014, 2012
Anti-Virus Exclusions
# MS Documentation
Test Databases
# MSSQL – AdventureWorks
# MSSQL – Wide World Importers
# MSSQL – Stack Overflow

Blogs, Forums & Other Resources
# SQL Server Central
Weekly Links, Stairways, Forum.
# Brent Ozar
Blog, Training, Tools.
# SQLSkills
Blog & Training.
# DBA Stack Exchange
Q&A Site.
# RedGate SQL Simple Talk
# SQL Server Links
My other random SQL Server links.