MSSQL Operational Cheat Sheet
SQL Server Cheat Sheet for common operational MS SQL DBA tasks. Includes SQL SPIDs, BCP, database files, SQL Agent, and test databases/tables. Examples here are random.
– Kill SPIDs
– Shrink DB in Chunks
– Move Temp DB Files
– BCP (xp_cmdshell) Example
– Create Test Database & Tables
– Batch Table Deletions
– Enable/Disable SQL Agent Jobs
Kill SPIDs
To kill a specific SQL Server SPID, you can use the following query:
Replace {SPID}
with the ID of the SPID you want to kill.
To kill all SPIDs for a specific database in SQL Server, you can use the following script. Replace {database_name}
with the name of the database for which you want to kill all SPIDs.
-- This script will kill all SPIDs for a specific database in SQL Server -- Declare the name of the database we want to kill SPIDs for DECLARE @dbname NVARCHAR(MAX) = '{database_name}'; -- Declare a table variable to hold the IDs of the SPIDs we want to kill DECLARE @spids TABLE (spid INT); -- Insert the IDs of all SPIDs for the specified database into the @spids table INSERT INTO @spids SELECT spid FROM sys.sysprocesses WHERE dbid = DB_ID(@dbname) -- Declare a variable to hold the ID of the current SPID we are processing DECLAR @spid INT; -- Loop through the @spids table and kill each SPID one at a time WHILE EXISTS (SELECT * FROM @spids) BEGIN -- Get the ID of the next SPID to be killed SELECT TOP 1 @spid = spid FROM @spids; -- Kill the SPID EXEC ('KILL ' + @spid); -- Remove the SPID from the @spids table DELETE FROM @spids WHERE spid = @spid; END These comments provide some additional information and context for the code, which can make it easier to understand and use.
Shrink DB in Chunks
BCP (xp_cmdshell) Example
open a command prompt and navigate to the directory where the bcp
utility is installed (usually C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\Client SDK\ODBC\130\Tools\Binn
). Then, run the following command to copy the Employees
table from the SourceDB
database to the DestinationDB
bcp DestinationDB.dbo.Employees in SourceDB.dbo.Employees -S <server_name> -U <username> -P <password>
Common arguments used with BCP:
Argument | Description |
-S | Specifies the name of the SQL Server instance to which to connect. |
-d | Specifies the name of the database in which the data will be imported or exported. |
-U | Specifies the login ID to be used when connecting to the SQL Server instance. |
-P | Specifies the password to be used when connecting to the SQL Server instance. |
-T | Specifies that BCP should connect to the SQL Server instance using a trusted connection. |
-q | Specifies that BCP should use a quoted-identifier style for character fields. |
-c | Specifies that the data in the file is character data and should be imported or exported using the native character data type. |
-t | Specifies the field terminator to use in the data file. |
-r | Specifies the row terminator to use in the data file. |
Create Test Database
Here is an example of creating a test SQL Server database with three tables and inserting three rows of data into each table.
-- Create a database named 'CheeseDB' CREATE DATABASE CheeseDB; -- Use the CheeseDB database USE CheeseDB; -- Create a table named 'CheeseTypes' CREATE TABLE CheeseTypes ( ID INT PRIMARY KEY, Name VARCHAR(255) ); -- Insert 3 rows of data into the CheeseTypes table INSERT INTO CheeseTypes (ID, Name) VALUES (1, 'Cheddar'), (2, 'Gouda'), (3, 'Brie'); -- Create a table named 'CheeseBrands' CREATE TABLE CheeseBrands ( ID INT PRIMARY KEY, Name VARCHAR(255) ); -- Insert 3 rows of data into the CheeseBrands table INSERT INTO CheeseBrands (ID, Name) VALUES (1, 'Kraft'), (2, 'Sargento'), (3, 'BelGioioso'); -- Create a table named 'CheeseInventory' CREATE TABLE CheeseInventory ( ID INT PRIMARY KEY, CheeseTypeID INT, CheeseBrandID INT, Quantity INT, FOREIGN KEY (CheeseTypeID) REFERENCES CheeseTypes(ID), FOREIGN KEY (CheeseBrandID) REFERENCES CheeseBrands(ID) ); -- Insert 3 rows of data into the CheeseInventory table INSERT INTO CheeseInventory (ID, CheeseTypeID, CheeseBrandID, Quantity) VALUES (1, 1, 1, 100), (2, 2, 2, 200), (3, 3, 3, 300);
To add two indexes to the tables in our example database, we can use these SQL statements:
-- Add an index to the Name column in the CheeseTypes table CREATE INDEX CheeseTypes_Name_Index ON CheeseTypes (Name); -- Add an index to the Name column in the CheeseBrands table CREATE INDEX CheeseBrands_Name_Index ON CheeseBrands (Name);
We’re adding an index to the Name column in the CheeseTypes table and another index to the Name column in the CheeseBrands table. These indexes will help make queries that search for specific names in these tables faster.
Batch SQL Table Deletions
Deleting a lot of data from a table can take a long time and use up a lot of resources, especially if the table is huge and has a lot of indexes or foreign key constraints. To avoid slow performance, it’s often better to delete the data in smaller batches instead of all at once.
-- Create test table CREATE TABLE test_table ( id INT PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR(120), test_date DATETIME ); -- Insert test rows, one for each month INSERT INTO test_table (id, name, test_date) VALUES (1, 'Stan', '2022-01-01'), (2, 'Kyle', '2022-02-01'), (3, 'Eric', '2022-03-01'), (4, 'Kenny', '2022-04-01'), (5, 'Butters', '2022-05-01'), (6, 'Wendy', '2022-06-01'), (7, 'Bebe', '2022-07-01'), (8, 'Clyde', '2022-08-01'), (9, 'Jimmy', '2022-09-01'), (10, 'Token', '2022-10-01'), (11, 'Craig', '2022-11-01'), (12, 'Tweek', '2022-12-01'); -- Delete all rows over 6 months old, in batches DECLARE @BatchSize INT = 1000; WHILE 1=1 BEGIN DELETE TOP (@BatchSize) FROM test_table WHERE test_date < DATEADD(month, -6, GETDATE()) IF @@ROWCOUNT < @BatchSize BREAK; END
Deleting data in small batches can be faster, but it can still be slow if your table has a lot of extra information (like indexes or foreign key constraints). In these cases, it might be better to turn off the extra information before deleting the data and then turn it back on afterwards. You can use special commands like DISABLE TRIGGER
to turn off the extra information before deleting the data, and then use ALTER INDEX
to put it back on afterwards.
Shrink DB in Chunks
Disable All SQL Agent Jobs
The following script can be used to disable all SQL Server Agent jobs. Please note that this does not delete the jobs or remove any run history, it just disables them.
-- disable all SQL Server Agent jobs DECLARE @job_id UNIQUEIDENTIFIER DECLARE job_cursor CURSOR FOR SELECT job_id FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobs OPEN job_cursor FETCH NEXT FROM job_cursor INTO @job_id WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_update_job @job_id = @job_id, @enabled = 0 FETCH NEXT FROM job_cursor INTO @job_id END CLOSE job_cursor DEALLOCATE job_cursor
sp_update_job is a stored procedure in SQL Server that can be used to modify the properties of an existing job, such as its schedule or the script it runs. We can amend the @enabled parameter from 0 to 1 if we want the above script to enable rather than disable SQL Agent jobs.