Tag: CDC

  • Disabling Change Data Capture in SQL Server

    Disabling Change Data Capture in SQL Server

    This post contains a demo on how to disable CDC (Change Data Capture) in SQL Server 2022. The sp_cdc_disable_table and sp_cdc_disable_db in-built MSSQL SPs are what we should use to disable CDC in SQL Server which is explained more below.

    The sp_cdc_disable_table and sp_cdc_disable_db are the in-built MSSQL SPs to do this which are explained below.

    Disabling CDC can be a common task for a SQL DBA as we need to do this each time a new column is created on the source table. We run sp_cdc_enable_table to add all columns in a table to CDC, but then when a new column is created we need to drop CDC on the table and re-enable it in SQL.

    My previous blog post explains how to enable CDC in SQL Server and will show you how to enable CDC. This post is a guide for the CDC disable action.

    Before proceeding with a change like this on a production SQL environment, we should read Microsoft Docs on Enabling & Disabling CDC, and test the change to get familiar enough with CDC.

    How to Disable CDC SQL Server

    Disabling CDC for a table in MSSQL will drop all existing captured change data. If you are intending on performing this on a production SQL Server, you should verify whether we need to back up & copy existing CDC data.

    To disable Change Data Capture on a table in SQL Server, we should first check for existing CDC configuration information by running sp_cdc_help_change_data_capture. Using this info we can populate the parameters for sp_cdc_disable_table, particularly the capture_instance name.

    USE [demoBlog];
    -- Check current CDC config
    EXEC sys.sp_cdc_help_change_data_capture 
    -- Disable CDC for a table
    EXECUTE sys.sp_cdc_disable_table
    	@source_schema = N'dbo',
    	@source_name = N'posts',
    	@capture_instance = N'dbo_posts'
    CDC Disable Table

    If you are removing CDC from all tables permanently, we can disable CDC on the database too.

    Run sp_cdc_disable_db to disable CDC on a database in MS SQL as per the example below.

    USE [demoBlog];
    -- Disable CDC for a database
    EXEC sys.sp_cdc_disable_db
    -- Check if CDC is enabled on databases
    SELECT is_cdc_enabled,* FROM sys.databases;

  • How to Enable CDC in SQL Server

    How to Enable CDC in SQL Server

    This is a post on how to enable Change Data Capture (CDC) in SQL Server. Enabling this on a database and table will allow the recording of activity when tables and rows have been modified. This is a feature available for us to configure within SQL Server and Azure SQL out of the box.

    CDC uses the SQL Agent to record inserts, updates and deletes that happen on a table. Enabling this might be useful to help give a business insight on changes to Personal Identifiable Information (PII) over time for GDPR requirements. Or, another example could be real-time tracking of orders for pricing updates to a product.

    For more examples and information on what CDC is, we can refer to MS Docs : What is change data capture (CDC)?

    If you are considering enabling this feature, as always we should test and read through the software documentation to ensure all potential impacts and limitations have been reviewed. Some main considerations on the systems side with this one include the additional disk space your CDC tables will need, and performance depending on the number of tables/changes happening.

    The demo below covers the following:
    # Enable CDC for a Database
    # Enable CDC for a Table

    Enable CDC for a Database

    Before enabling CDC on a database we want to first check if it’s already enabled, and also check if the database owner is set to something other than ‘sa’, else you’ll receive an error message when enabling.

    In the demo TSQL below we’re checking the sys.databases system table is_cdc_enabled column, and we have to change the DemoBlog database owner :

    -- Check if Database is has CDC Enabled
    SELECT is_cdc_enabled, *
    FROM sys.databases;
    -- (IF_REQUIRED) Change Database Owner to 'sa'
    -- Error if <> 'sa' = "Could not update the metadata that indicates database demoBlog is enabled for Change Data Capture"
    CDC Check if Enabled

    Enabling CDC for a SQL Server database is done using the sys.sp_cdc_enable_db system stored procedure, as shown in this example :

    USE [demoBlog];
    -- Enable CDC for Database ms sql
    EXEC sys.sp_cdc_enable_db
    /* New system tables > 
    Enable CDC

    We can see our new CDC system tables in the screenshot above, and I’ve re-run the sys.databases query to show the changes there too.

    Enable CDC for a Table

    I’ve just enabled CDC on this demo database, so I know there are no tables already enabled. We can check the is_tracked_by_cdc column in the sys.tables system table, similar to the check we did before enabling it on the database.

    To control the placement of change table data, we can create Filegroups ahead of enabling CDC on tables. Microsoft recommends we do this so that our change tables are separate from source tables.

    -- Create FileGroup for CDC
    ALTER DATABASE [demoBlog]
        NAME = demoBlog_data1,
        FILENAME = 'D:\MSSQL_DATA\demoBlog_data1.ndf',
        SIZE = 500MB,
        FILEGROWTH = 50MB
    ) TO FILEGROUP [DemoBlog_CT];
    SELECT * FROM sys.filegroups;
    SELECT * FROM sys.database_files;
    SQL Server Add FileGroup

    We use sys.sp_cdc_enable_table to enable CDC on a table, as per the example below. When a table is enabled for CDC, a record will be logged in the transaction log for each DML operation applied to the table from this point onwards.

    USE [demoBlog];
    -- Enable CDC on Table
    EXEC sys.sp_cdc_enable_table
    	@source_schema = N'dbo',
    	@source_name   = N'posts',
    	@role_name     = NULL,
    	@filegroup_name = N'DemoBlog_CT'
    -- Job 'cdc.demoBlog_capture' started successfully.
    -- Job 'cdc.demoBlog_cleanup' started successfully.
    CDC Enable Table

    Our new SQL Agent jobs for the CDC Collection are as per the screenshot below.

    Interesting note, “If both CDC and replication are enabled for a database, the log reader handles the population of the CDC change tables.” – Microsoft Docs

    CDC Agent Jobs

    For demo purposes, here is an example insert of a row into our table, and then a query of CDC data.

    Verify CDC is working

    My next post covers Disabling CDC, which may be useful if you receive errors along the way during testing.