SQL Server: Get Current Date & Time

Retrieving the current date and time is a fundamental operation in SQL Server, essential for logging, data tracking, and reporting. Whether you need a simple timestamp for everyday use or require high-precision time tracking for financial transactions, SQL Server provides built-in functions that cater to different levels of accuracy.

In this guide, I’ll demo some ways to obtain date and time values in SQL Server with an added tip on formatting the output. Hope it’s useful for you!

1. Get Current Date & Time in SQL Server

The GETDATE() function returns the current date and time with millisecond precision, making it suitable for most standard applications.

-- Get current date and time
SELECT GETDATE() AS CurrentDateTime;

2. Get High-Precision Date & Time

For applications that require more precise time tracking, SYSDATETIME() provides nanosecond-level accuracy.

-- Get current date and time with extra precision
SELECT GETDATE() AS CurrentDateTime;
Get Current Date Time SQL Server

3. Customize Output of Date & Time Value

If you need to display the date in a specific format, use the FORMAT() or CAST()/CONVERT() functions to customize its appearance.

-- Get current date in custom format 
SELECT FORMAT(GETDATE(), 'yyyy-MM-dd') AS FormattedDate;

-- Get current date small date time example
SQL Server Format Date Example
Formatting current date time example

Wrapping Up

Use GETDATE() for general timestamp needs and SYSDATETIME() for high-precision applications. Formatting functions like FORMAT() and CAST() help convert and return the current date/time as different datatypes.

Summary of Functions:
FunctionPrecision LevelBest Use Case
GETDATE()MillisecondsGeneral logging, reporting
SYSDATETIME()NanosecondsHigh-precision tracking (e.g., financial transactions)


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