Get Estimated Backup Restore Time in SQL Server
This post contains a SQL script to get estimated completion times and process information for your currently running database backups &
This post contains a SQL script to get estimated completion times and process information for your currently running database backups &
This is a post on how to get the last backup dates and times for all databases on a SQL Server Instance.
While looking at an old script today, one that kills SPIDs on a SQL Server database… I had an instant urge to try kill a system SPIDs, just to see what would happen.
This is a follow-on post of sp_who, sp_who2 & sp_whoisactive and is a run-through of logging SQL Server activity to a table, using the sp_whoisactive stored procedure.
Sp_whatnow? sp_who, sp_who2 and sp_whoisactive are stored procedures that allow you to view current users, sessions, and processes within a SQL Server instance.
There are many reasons why you’d KILL a SPID in SQL Server. Whether it’s impending disk space doom due to data or log file bloat, or a long running query that’s lost in space…