How To Install PostgreSQL on Windows

PostgreSQL is a free open-source RDMS that is widely used and forked. Other than PostgreSQL itself, Redshift is the only other forked database I’ve ever touched.

This blog post is a very simple wizard run-through of installing PostgreSQL and Stack Builder on Windows for testing.

# Install PostgreSQL on Windows
# Install Stack Builder on Windows

Install PostgreSQL on Windows

PostgreSQL official downloads can be found here. Also see this link (chapter 16) for installing this on a Linux system.

1. Run set-up exe file.

PostgreSQL Install Wizard - Setup.

2. Specify installation directory.

3. Select features.

PostgreSQL Components

4. Specify data directory.

PostgreSQL Install - Data Directory

5. Enter the superuser (postgres) password.

Set Postgres Superuser Password

6. Enter the listening port.

PostgreSQL Port Number

7. Default local for English.

PostgreSQL Locale Settings

8. Next, next, next & you’re done.

PostgreSQL Install Summary
Postgres Install Windows

Install Stack Builder Components on Windows

Stack Builder is a quick way of getting additional software installed on your server, such as drivers, apache and EnterpriseDB tools.

1. Select your Postgres Sever.

Stack Builder Install

2. Make your selections – pretty handy having things like the drivers in here.

Stack Builder Applications List

3. Continue on.

Stack Builder Install Wizard

4. A reboot may be required, depending on what has been selected.

Stack Builder Install Reboot Required

And we’re done. Next, install a management tool such as PG Admin.


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