Renaming a computer that hosts SQL Server

When renaming a computer hosting SQL Server, you need to update system metadata to maintain connectivity for remote connections and applications. This process involves updating SQL Server’s registered hostname to match the new computer name.

To rename a computer that hosts SQL Server, checkout my latest post on this which includes information for why you shouldn’t perform this task: How to Rename a Computer that Hosts SQL Server

Below is the quick / alt version for renaming SQL Server:

Quick Steps to Update SQL Server After a Hostname Change:

1. Rename the Computer & Reboot:
Update the Windows computer name.

sql server connect to server
Cannot connect to server SQL

2. Connect to SQL Server:
Use localhost temporarily if a connection error occurs.

3. Check Hostnames:
Run xp_getnetname to verify the current hostname.


4. Update SQL Metadata:
Drop the old name with sp_dropserver and register the new one using sp_addserver.

sp_dropserver example
sp_addserver example

5. Restart SQL Server:
Apply changes by restarting the service.

restart-service *MSSQL* PowerShell

6. Verify Changes:
Confirm the update by checking the new hostname.

Renamed SQL Server

When you next open SSMS, ‘localhost’ should be shown in the Server name field. Changing this to your new hostname will now work.

Detailed Guide Available:
For a complete, step-by-step walkthrough with code and MS Docs links, check out my other post: How to Rename a Computer that Hosts SQL Server

SQL Code Used

-- Get currently registered hostname: 
-- Get 
EXEC xp_getnetname 

-- Drop current hostname registration. 
USE [master] GO sp_dropserver 'enter old hostname returned by @@SERVERNAME above' 

--Register new hostname. 
USE [master] GO sp_addserver 'enter hostname returned from xp_getnetname above',local -- having local updates the metadata for @@SERVERNAME 

-- Restart SQL to apply changes


2 responses to “Renaming a computer that hosts SQL Server”

  1. User Avatar

    I got an error in the 6th step
    Restart-Service *MSSQL*
    Return a message in Red like this : {
    Restart-service : cannot stop service ‘SQL server (SQL EXPRESS) (MSSQL$SQLEXPRESS)’ because it has dependent services. It can only be stopped if the force flag is a set.
    At line:1 Char:1
    + ……….. (It’s a long message)
    What should I do?

    1. pete Avatar

      You can view the SQL services in SQL Server Configuration Manager, or Services.msc
      From there you can restart manually, probably your best bet to resolve quickly. If the SQL service is not starting up, you can look at Event Viewer for more information of why it failed to start.

      If you are hoping to proceed with the PowerShell option for restarting the service, you can add -Force to the Restart-Service cmdlet

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