A simple run-through of installing MySQL Community Server 8.0, including MySQL Workbench on Windows.
Don’t forget to checkout the MySQL Installation documentation, and here’s a link to prerequisites.
Installing MySQL
Open the MySQL installer exe as downloaded from the link above.

Accept License Agreement and Next.

I would say always choose a Custom install – only ever install what you know you need.

I’m installing MySQL Server, MySQL Workbench and the ODBC Driver.

You may have an additional step to install Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable packages – execute those within the wizard when prompted.
Hit Exectute to install all features selected.

Now it’s time to configure the MySQL Server, starting off with High Availability which I don’t need on my local test environment here.

On the next page, the Config Type is Development Computer, although here’s the options for reference;

No need to deviate from the default port number or other config here.

Unless you have MySQL 5.x Servers in your stack, choose the recommended authentication method.

Enter the MySQL Root Password – we can create new users later if required.

This is where we select which account the MySQL Service will run as.

Now we’re ready for the configuration update – hit Execute.

We can have a browse in the log file to view what’s actually going on in the background.

All is now complete!

MySQL Workbench
Click to add a new MySQL Connection.

Enter a name for the connection and no need to change connection details as this is all local on the default port.

Click to Test Connection and enter the root user password as entered during installation.

Once the above is OK’d, this new connection will show up in the Workbench connections area – click to connect.

And I’ll now a random query to finish this off…

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