Removing Quotes from all CSV Files in a Directory

Managing CSV files often involves cleaning up data before processing. A common task is removing unwanted quotation marks from the contents of CSV files.

I wrote a blog post on how to remove quotes from a single CSV file using PowerShell some years ago, which I have just updated. At the end, I had the idea of adding a follow-up which is to do the same, remove quotes in a CSV file, but for multiple files.

Ideally you should be cleaning the data at source rather than performing this task. There’s many ways to do this too, I think you should use the one you find the easiest that saves most of your time.

PowerShell Script to Remove Quotes from Multiple CSV Files

Here is a script to remove quotes from all CSV files in a specified directory and save the cleaned versions in a new output directory:

# Define the input directory and output directory
$InputDirectory = "C:\Path\To\Input\CSVFiles"
$OutputDirectory = "C:\Path\To\Output\CleanedCSVFiles"

# Create the output directory if it doesn't exist
if (-not (Test-Path $OutputDirectory)) {
    New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $OutputDirectory

# Get all CSV files in the input directory
$CSVFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path $InputDirectory -Filter "*.csv"

foreach ($File in $CSVFiles) {
    # Read the content of the current CSV file, remove quotes, and save it to a new file
    $InputFilePath = $File.FullName
    $OutputFilePath = Join-Path -Path $OutputDirectory -ChildPath $File.Name

    # Process the file: Remove quotes and output to the new file
    Import-Csv -Path $InputFilePath |
    ConvertTo-Csv -NoTypeInformation |
    ForEach-Object { $_ -Replace '"', "" } |
    Out-File -FilePath $OutputFilePath -Force -Encoding ascii

    Write-Host "Processed file: $InputFilePath -> $OutputFilePath"

Write-Host "All CSV files have been processed and saved in $OutputDirectory."

How it works:
Define Directories:
The script processes files from the InputDirectory and saves cleaned versions in the OutputDirectory. Ensure you update these paths with your actual directories.
Batch Processing: Uses Get-ChildItem to loop through all .csv files in the input directory.
Remove Quotes: Reads each file’s content, removes quotes, and writes the cleaned data to a new file.
Output Directory: Files are saved with their original names in the designated output directory to avoid overwriting the source files.

Monitor Performance: If you’re working with large CSV files, monitor your system resources during processing.
Backup Original Files: Always create backups of the original files before running bulk operations.
Validate Data: Check the output files to ensure the data integrity is maintained after quote removal.


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