PowerShell Tail: A Familiar Approach to Log File Monitoring

In the Linux world, the tail command is a go-to tool for monitoring logs in real-time. While Windows doesn’t have a direct equivalent, PowerShell’s Get-Content -Tail command provides similar functionality for log monitoring.

To help bridge the gap for Linux users and improve log tracking in Windows, this post introduces a custom Tail function for PowerShell. This function enhances the built-in capabilities of Windows tail command PowerShell by adding real-time monitoring and color-coded highlights. You can customize the script to your own needs if it’s useful for you.

Viewing the Last Lines of a Log File in PowerShell

PowerShell’s built-in Get-Content cmdlet allows you to view the last few lines of a log file easily. Just pass in the number of lines of the log file you want to view with the -Last parameter:

# Return the last 10 lines of a log file
Get-Item -Path .\appLog0001-0500.txt | Get-Content -Tail 10

# Alternative syntax; get last lines of a log file in PowerShell
Get-Content <filepath\filename> | Select-Object -Last 10
Get-Content Last Lines of Log File PowerShell

This command is particularly useful for debugging issues, allowing you to avoid scrolling through large log files to find the most recent events.

Creating a Tail-Log Function

To improve usability, let’s define a custom function called Tail that mimics the Linux tail command in Windows. This function enhances readability by adding color-coded highlights to differentiate log levels.

function Tail {
    param (
        [int]$Lines = 10

    # Define colors for different log levels
    $ColorMap = @{
        "INFO"       = "Green"
        "WARNING"    = "Yellow"
        "ERROR"      = "Red"
        "CRITICAL"   = "Magenta"
        "IMPORTANT"  = "Cyan"
        "SECURITY"   = "DarkRed"
        "AUDIT"      = "DarkCyan"
        "SYSTEM"     = "DarkMagenta"

    Write-Host "`nShowing last $Lines lines of: $LogFile`n" -ForegroundColor Cyan

    # Read last N lines of the file and process them
    Get-Content $LogFile | Select-Object -Last $Lines | ForEach-Object {
        $LogEntry = $_

        # Extract log level (ignoring square brackets)
            $LogLevel = $matches[1]
            $Color = $ColorMap[$LogLevel]
        } else {
            $Color = "White"  # Default color

        # Display the log entry in the corresponding color
        Write-Host $LogEntry -ForegroundColor $Color

Example Usage
To view the last lines of a log file using the Windows tail command in PowerShell, run:

# get last lines of log file
tail .\testLog.txt 15
Windows Tail Log File

The function colors and associated messages can be customized – tailor it to your needs!

Summary of the Windows Tail

Using a PowerShell function like Tail we’ve created here in this post is a great way to quickly pinpoint errors, warnings, or critical messages within logs without manually sifting through large files. It provides a fast and efficient way to monitor logs, especially for troubleshooting.

But we can make this even better by enhancing the script to function like the tail -f command in Linux. By adding a -Wait parameter to the PowerShell function, we can keep it running and automatically display new log entries as they are added. This transforms the script into a real-time log monitor, making it even more useful.

I hope this was a useful post maybe for the cross platform folks. Cheers!


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