This is a post to share an opinion on the best Terminal for Windows 2022. The answer to all our needs in the year 2022 is Windows Terminal.
I have a blog post on How to Install Windows Terminal, and here is a link to the main Windows Terminal GitHub repo. You’ll find more up-to-date Windows Terminal information by following the GitHub link. This guide is a personal post to share a random thought.
That’s it. Done. Nothing much else to know about CLI Terminals in Windows. No need to be looking at other Windows Terminals in 2022, especially if you’re learning the ropes.
I’ll be honest, my reason for posting this one is to see how it performs against other websites for the term “Best Terminal for Windows”. It’s crazy, every post has way too much information – here are a billion different types of terminals in Windows. Download and try them all, even if you’re a novice.
Every one of them is over the top, all done for the Google SEO Ranking points that you get for writing 10,000 words in a post for a target keyword.
But… if you’re up for exploring random text editors that some folk think makes a good Windows Terminal, then go ahead.
Best Terminal for Windows
This is the best terminal to get you started if you’re committed to using the Windows OS. Anything else is exploratory. The best way to approach software in my opinion is, to choose the default vendor first. In this case, and in most of my work it’s Microsoft. So go try out the software that Microsoft is developing first if you are on a Windows OS, and if it’s not working to your needs, try to find an alternative.
In Windows Terminal, we can have multiple tabs for whichever terminal session need. One of the best examples is WSL –
This is a very different post from what I usually do. But it’s good to share an honest straight-to-post thought. I intentionally don’t give much personality away on this blog. It’s a place for posting my technical notes, with the hope that it provides every viewer with what they were searching for Online.
At least this top Terminal for Windows list comes from someone in the software/database engineering game. I use Windows Terminal every day and love it. Also, this post will likely & intentionally get lost in the nether. As ever, see how goes.
That’s me for now, over. This is the post you need to truly understand what the Best Terminal for Windows is, I’m sure you’ll agree.
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