Open Current Folder in PowerShell

When working in a PowerShell terminal session, you might want to open Windows Explorer to view the current directory.

This guide is a simple guide to demo how to open the current working directory directly from PowerShell.

Using Invoke-Item to Open the Current Folder

The Invoke-Item cmdlet lets you open files, folders, or other items. To open the current working directory in Windows Explorer, use a single . to reference the current path.

# Open current folder in windows explorer
Invoke-Item .
Invoke-Item PowerShell

You can also use the shorthand ii as an alias for Invoke-Item. This is helpful for quickly opening the current directory or a specified file path.

## ps script to open the current folder
write-output 'Opening current folder...' 
ii .
Run power shell script

Running this script will open the current directory in Windows Explorer after displaying a message, as shown in the screenshot above.

That’s it for this one, hope it was useful for you, cheers!


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