Updating Help Documentation in PowerShell

Keeping your PowerShell help documentation up to date ensures you always have the latest guidance and reference materials for installed modules. The Update-Help cmdlet allows you to download and install the most recent help files, but you may encounter an access denied error if PowerShell is not run with administrative privileges:

Running PowerShell as Administrator

Running PowerShell as Administrator is a requirement for this one, else you’ll get the following error:

Update-Help L Failed to update Help for the module(s)
Access is denied. The command could not update Help topics for the Windows PowerShell core modules

Update-Help Access Denied

This error occurs because updating help files requires elevated permissions.

To resolve this, ensure you launch PowerShell as an administrator:
1. Click Start, search for PowerShell.
2. Right-click Windows PowerShell and select Run as Administrator.
3. Confirm the User Account Control (UAC) prompt if required.

    Run PowerShell as Administrator

    Using the -Force Parameter

    Even when running as Administrator, you may still experience issues updating help files. If running Update-Help -Force fails, try the following command instead:

    # update powershell help modules
    Update-Help -Force
    Update-Help -Force Fails

    This should trigger the update process immediately, ensuring your help files are current.

    Update-Help PowerShell

    By following these steps, you can keep your PowerShell documentation up to date without running into unnecessary errors.


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