Tag: SQL Server Processes (SPIDs)
SQL Server Processes (SPIDs) Blog Post Archives: Includes guides and SQL Scripts to show running SPIDs in SQL Server and how to manage blocking or long-running processes.
Log and Filter sp_who2 Results in SQL Server
When managing SQL Server performance, the built-in sp_who2 procedure is a commonly used tool for quickly checking active processes and their resource usage. However, it doesn’t always give you much flexibility when analyzing SQL sessions. In this post, I’m sharing a simple SQL script that logs sp_who2 results…
Show User Activity and Blocking in SQL Server
In this post I’m sharing a SQL script that will show currently running and blocking queries in SQL Server, with some other useful info along the way. This is script I run often as a DBA. It’s useful for identifying blocking or long running transactions, or checking in…
How to Kill SPIDs in SQL Server
In SQL Server, Session Process IDs (SPIDs) play a crucial role in identifying and managing SQL connections. The KILL (SPID) command serves as a tool for terminating troublesome sessions. This blog post provides an overview of the KILL command and its practical applications. The following is included in…
Get Estimated Database Backup/Restore Example
When you’re waiting on a database backup or restore to complete in SQL Server, we can run the script below to get an estimated time of how long the backup has left to go – We have one 5GB database here currently being backed up at the time…
sp_who, sp_who2 & sp_whoisactive
Ever wondered what’s happening inside your SQL Server instance? sp_who, sp_who2 and sp_whoisactive are stored procedures that allow you to view current users, sessions, and processes within a SQL Server instance. This kind of information helps you diagnose blocking issues and monitor general activity. Among them, sp_whoisactive is…
Killing SQL Server Processes (SPIDs)
In SQL Server, processes (SPIDs) can sometimes become blocked, leading to performance issues. As a Database Administrator, you may need to terminate such processes to maintain system efficiency. This guide demonstrates how to identify and kill blocking SPIDs. Contents: > Creating a Blocking SPID> Killing a Blocking SPID>…
Get Estimated Database Backup/Restore Time Script
This post contains a SQL script to get estimated completion times and process information for your currently running database backups & restores in SQL Server. Backing up a database can often take a very long time. It depends on various factors, one obvious reason being, that the bigger…
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