Category: Microsoft SQL Server
Microsoft SQL Server Blog which includes troubleshooting, performance tuning, and database administration guides from an experienced SQL DBA, Peter Whyte.
Killing SQL Server Processes (SPIDs)
In SQL Server, processes (SPIDs) can sometimes become blocked, leading to performance issues. As a Database Administrator, you may need to terminate such processes to maintain system efficiency. This guide demonstrates how to identify and kill blocking SPIDs. Contents: > Creating a Blocking SPID> Killing a Blocking SPID>…
Renaming a computer that hosts SQL Server
When renaming a computer hosting SQL Server, you need to update system metadata to maintain connectivity for remote connections and applications. This process involves updating SQL Server’s registered hostname to match the new computer name. To rename a computer that hosts SQL Server, checkout my latest post on…
Installing SQL Server 2017
Installing SQL Server is relatively straightforward, but ensuring proper configuration from the outset helps avoid issues later. This guide walks through the key steps and best practices for setting up SQL Server 2017, highlighting essential pre-installation considerations and post-installation tasks. Before starting, consult Microsoft’s official docs: Planning a…
Get Estimated Database Backup/Restore Time Script
This post contains a SQL script to get estimated completion times and process information for your currently running database backups & restores in SQL Server. Backing up a database can often take a very long time. It depends on various factors, one obvious reason being, that the bigger…
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