This is a post on how to install Git (version control system) on a Windows computer.
For more information have a look at the git-scm page, which is where we can download the client.
There are a lot of configuration options throughout this wizard install, but there is no need to worry – most settings can be changed post-install, and in the worse case, reinstalling Git will not set you far back in life!
Install Git on Windows (GUI)
A simple download and wizard run; here are the notable configuration options throughout.
Once the above is done, restart PowerShell / VS Code.
The ln command in Linux is used to create a link between files. This is useful for sharing files between your local machine and WSL.
I’m linking to a ‘projects’ folder in this post but I get an error when cloning git repos in them (chmod error). Using mounted Windows drives for version-controlled projects is appearing to be a no-go.
Accessing local Windows files from a WSL distro can be achieved by navigating to the /mnt/c/ directory in your WSL Linux machine, or you can enter WSL from any Windows directory within a terminal.
You can also create a symbolic link to create a new linked folder between your Windows computer and WSL. Check out my other blog post Create a Link Between Local Windows Files and WSL for more information.
When working within a WSL Linux environment, we can look at the files on our local Windows machine by navigating to the /mnt/ directory as shown in the example below.
# navigate to home (wsl) linux folder
cd ~
# navigate c:\temp folder on local windows computer
cd /mnt/c/temp
In the Windows Terminal above we are checking the contents of /mnt/ which is the local C & D volumes, and a folder named WSL.
Open WSL from PowerShell Terminal
When working within a PowerShell Terminal, we can open WSL from any Windows directory and the default Linux distribution will be opened with that local Windows-mounted path.
In the example below we’re creating a new folder on Windows within a PowerShell Terminal, navigating into the new folder and then entering WSL.
The PowerShell colours are difficult to see on that path, but it shows the new folder we created within Ubuntu WSL.
This post is a guide on how to reinstall WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) via command. This may be useful if you are looking to clear down and start a up fresh WSL instance, treating it as a throw-away environment. You should have any WIP code backed up to Git before running this.
To remove a WSL distribution and its data, run wsl --unregister <distro-name>, amend the statement with the name of the distribution, which you can see by running wsl -l.
You can also uninstall each of your WSL Linux distro apps on your machine via the Microsoft Store. This blog post shows examples of the command-line way.
We need to know the WSL distribution name which we want to remove. Run the following to show the currently installed Linux Distributions on your system:
wsl -l
Unregister/Uninstall a WSL Distro
Caution: Once unregistered, all data, settings, and software associated with that distribution will be permanently lost. Reinstalling from the store will install a clean copy of the distribution. (MS Docs).
The following command will uninstall a WSL Distro:
wsl --unregister <distro-name>
Install Ubuntu WSL
My previous blog post covers installing Ubuntu 20.04 on WSL. It includes how to install Ubuntu via command or the Microsoft Store.
We run the .exe file when doing this via command, entering the username/password details when prompted.
WSL allows Windows users to develop and run applications within a GNU/Linux environment. Previous to this feature release we needed VM’s or a dual boot setup.
For more information, as always have a look at the Microsoft Docs. There’s a huge amount of tutorials and documentation on this area.
You’ll then be prompted to restart your local computer.
Downloading a Linux Distro
You can find all the Linux Distributions on the Microsoft Store and download from there. This may be restricted by Group Policy if you’re on a Domain, so you can download manually from this list on the documentation page.
As always, this kind of task can be done using a management
tool like MySQL WorkBench or via command.
First up, I’ll get connected to MySQL via CLI.
CREATE USER and then GRANTING SELECT capabilities for all tables* within a ‘milk’ database. The first SQL steps here for me are to create the test database & table.
-- Create test database & table
USE milk;
CREATE TABLE animal (id INT, type VARCHAR(50), breed VARCHAR(50), age DATE);
INSERT INTO animal (1,'cow','white with black spots','2009-10-06');
INSERT INTO animal VALUES (2,'cow','black with white spots','2011-12-16');
-- Create Linked Server user
CREATE USER 'linked_server_sql1'@'172.31.1.%' IDENTIFIED BY 'eCh0Ch4rl1E';
GRANT SELECT ON milk.* TO 'linked_server_sql1'@'172.31.1.%';
My connections are within the network, so I’m adding in a wildcard (%) for all addresses on this range to be allowed to connect with this login.
If I want to test this new MySQL login locally, I can create the user using ‘localhost’ too. Below I’m opening the mysql.exe file rather than using the MySQL Command Line Client application which logs in as root.
Put on the User hat and do what you need to do.
I only wanted read-only access,
which I can confirm with a quick write test.
That’s our Linked Server MySQL login ready!
The above can also be done with a tool like MySQL WorkBench too; run the same commands above in a query window or via the Users and Privileges window. The new user account below would be able to connect from any host address.
Configure ODBC Data Source Settings
The MySQL ODBC driver download can be found here. Download & install on the SQL Server host machine.
Note; at the time of writing this the most recent MySQL ODBC Driver version is 8.0.20. I’ve had to install version 8.0.18 as the 2 most recent versions were showing an error message on install.
Run ODBC Data Sources
as Administrator.
Click into the System
DSN tab and click Add.
Select the MySQL ODBC
Unicode driver.
Enter all details required as shown. If you can see the database names the connection is all good so click OK.
Create Linked Server to a MySQL Database
Within SSMS; expand Server Objects, right-click Linked Servers and select New Linked Server.
The Linked server
name at the top of the next window is what you’ll need to include in
queries, so choose that wisely.
Then choose a provider for ODBC and enter the Data Source name which you named within the ODBC driver settings above.
Enter the MySQL login details as created above within this post.
I’m leaving all Server Options as defaults.
Before I hit OK I’m scripting this out to code.
USE [master]
EXEC master.dbo.sp_addlinkedserver
@server = N'MYSQL_SERVER_1',
USE [master]
EXEC master.dbo.sp_addlinkedsrvlogin
@rmtsrvname = N'MYSQL_SERVER_1',
@locallogin = NULL ,
@useself = N'False',
@rmtuser = N'linked_server_sql1',
@rmtpassword = N'eCh0Ch4rl1E'
When ready, take a breath, then hit OK or execute the SQL.
Have a look in the SSMS Object Explorer to view the new Linked Server. We should be able to drill into the database & objects we have permission to.
Now run queries to our MySQL Server using OPENQUERY.
Within an AWS account I have a Windows Server 2016 Domain Controller, and I’m trying to join a Windows Server 2008 R2 to my Domain.
I get this error:
Changing the Primary Domain DNS name of this computer to “” failed. The name will remain “”. The error was: The specified server cannot perform the requested operation.
I’ve run some domain checks which all appear to be successful. All traffic open between each server.
Nothing of note shows in the Event Viewer…
This isn’t something you should have to be doing, joining a now un-supported Windows Server to a domain. To help plan for this kind of change, have a look at Microsoft Docs – AD Functional Levels.
Important ports to remember in the life of a DBA may include: # SQL Server (1433) # RedShift (5439) # PostgreSQL (5432) # MySQL (3306) # Oracle (1521)
Check a Port is Open (Pre Win08/Svr2012)
This is for when you’re on a legacy server running an old version of PowerShell. I managed to spawn a Windows Server 2008 R2 box from the AWS Marketplace for this demo.
# Check a port is open (pre Win08/Svr2012)
$Ipaddress= Read-Host "Enter the IP address:"
$Port= Read-host "Enter the port number to access:"
$t = New-Object Net.Sockets.TcpClient
{"Port $Port is operational."}
else {"Port $Port is closed."}
Enter IP address and port number when prompted.
Below is an example of no connectivity, it’s failing to connect on port 1433. The server I’m testing does not have SQL Server installed, so there was nothing listening on that port.
Check a Port is Open (Test-NetConnection)
I’ve used Test-NetConnection frequently for years. It’s built-in to recent Editions of Window Server and is easier to use. We can also use ‘tnc’ as displayed in the example code below.
# Test remote port is open
Test-NetConnection -ComputerName -Port 1433
# Same as above command using alternative syntax/ip
tnc -port 1433
We can see from the screenshot above this test passed as TcpTestSucceeded came back true.
Note: The traffic between you and another server may be flowing through various components that can include; local/internal/external firewalls, NAT Gateways, Security Groups/NACLs, load balancers & more. Diagnosing connectivity issues can be very complex. This is a simple test and might not be reflected in certain network traffic logs – if you’re troubleshooting maybe run your second port test with Putty.
If connectivity is failing, a few things to check may include: # There has to be something ‘listening’ on the remote server port. # Network (Inc. DNS) configurations & Security Groups. # Firewalls (at the Infrastructure level or local host config).
If you’re ever planning to allow external connections to a SQL Server, one of the first things to ensure is that the data is encrypted at rest and in transit.
SQL Server has an option where we can force all connections on a SQL Server to be encrypted, which ensures us that we’re achieving encryption for our SQL connectivity.
Open the Certificate tab and you should be able to view & select the new certificate from the drop-down menu.
Click to Apply & Ok out of the window – I’m doing the Forcing of Encryption separate (below).
You’ll get this prompt.
Restart the SQL Services from the configuration manager. If your services don’t start back up again, then ensure the service accounts have the appropriate permissions. For this demo, my AD Service Accounts are members of the local Administrators group.
Force Encryption in SQL Server
Right click Protocols for MSSQLSERVER, select Properties and within the Flags tab enable the Force Encryption option.
Restart the SQL Services.
Verify SQL Server Connectivity is Encrypted
Open a local and/or remote query session. You may have to ensure the Encrypt connection & Trust server certificate options are checked.
When you need something scheduled in Windows, the Task Scheduler is the tool at-hand.
Running PowerShell (.ps1) scripts as Scheduled Tasks is done differently than differently than running regular .bat scripts. Sometimes I forget how it’s done, so a worthy enough post.
Below I’m creating a daily reboot by calling PowerShell script in Task Scheduler on Windows Server 2016.
Create Scheduled Task to Trigger a PowerShell Script
I’ve given it a Name and Description here. In work-life, I’d usually be running these sort of jobs with an AD service account. As well as that, if you’re running a local only PowerShell script then we don’t need to store the password as per the Security options above.
3. Create a schedule within the Triggers tab.
Remember, we can set schedules on many things (e.g. Windows Events or when the server is Idle).
4. Create a new Action within the next tab. PowerShell scripts require the {powershell} program name as shown, as well as the {-File “C:\Temp\powershell_script.ps1} argument.
5. Next, configure Conditions & Settings – read through what suits your job. The only thing I’ve changed is for it to stop if the task runs longer than 1 hour.
6. Finally, verify it’s working by losing connectivity!