SQL Server Blog Archives, by Peter Whyte (Database Administrator).
Includes: Database Admin, Management Studio (SSMS), Windows Admin, PowerShell, WSL, MSSQL Backups, Restores & more…
The Disk Usage by Top Tables Report in SQL Server is a quick way to get the sizes of all tables within a database. It’ll show all tables largest to smallest tables by total size on disk.
If you notice that a database is growing larger in size, then you will want to know what data is causing the increase. Knowing your largest table(s) on all SQL systems helps you make better decisions overall. For example, with this knowledge, you might want to consider performing a review of indexes or compressing some indexes to save space.
There are many ways to check the size of a table in MS SQL Server. This post is to help show you how to open the SQL Server Disk Usage by Top Tables Report, which is what I find to be one of the more efficient ways to check table sizes in SQL.
I have another post if of interest that shows a variety of ways to check table sizes in MSSQL. Below shows a demo of the Disk Usage by Top Tables Report in MSSQL as described.
Disk Usage by Top Tables Report
To open this report:-
1. Open SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS). 2. Expand Databases. 3. Right-click the Database and select Reports > Standard Reports > Disk Usage by Top Tables
The report shows that this database has 2 tables close to 700MB in size, both containing the same number of rows but there are some differences in the indexes.
For more random tips for checking disk space in MSSQL, have a look at my Measuring Databases tag.
If you’re running a SQL Server and you care about the data held in it, you should already be backing up the databases. But it’s always surprising the number of times you encounter business-critical databases not being backed up as a DBA!
When given the opportunity to look at a new SQL Server instance one of the first scripts I would run is to check when the databases were last backed up. I’m likely being asked to look at this server because there’s an issue. Issues need fixing, and before any of my changes are executed I need a point-in-time revert back to in-case I make things worse.
This blog post is to note a script that’ll return last Full, Differential, and Log backups for all databases on a SQL Server instance.
Get Last Backup Times in SQL Server
-- Show last backups on all databases
ISNULL(d.[name], bs.[database_name]) AS [Database], d.recovery_model_desc AS [Recovery Model],
MAX(CASE WHEN [type] = 'D' THEN bs.backup_finish_date ELSE NULL END) AS [Last Full Backup],
MAX(CASE WHEN [type] = 'I' THEN bs.backup_finish_date ELSE NULL END) AS [Last Differential Backup],
MAX(CASE WHEN [type] = 'L' THEN bs.backup_finish_date ELSE NULL END) AS [Last Log Backup]
sys.databases AS d WITH (NOLOCK)
LEFT OUTER JOIN msdb.dbo.backupset AS bs WITH (NOLOCK)
ON bs.[database_name] = d.[name]
AND bs.backup_finish_date > GETDATE()- 30
WHERE d.name <> N'tempdb'
GROUP BY ISNULL(d.[name], bs.[database_name]), d.recovery_model_desc, d.log_reuse_wait_desc, d.[name]
ORDER BY d.recovery_model_desc, d.[name] OPTION (RECOMPILE);
The above shows my simple wee test database ‘blah’ is the only database that has had a backup on this instance.
A common SQL question is, why would anyone use WHERE 1=1 in their queries? And what does it do?
The WHERE 1=1 condition means WHERE TRUE. It returns the same query result as it would without the WHERE Clause. There is no impact on query execution time.
This is something you can add to a SQL query for convenience for adding & replacing conditions on the statement. If you have WHERE 1=1 on a SQL query you are writing, all conditions thereafter will contain AND, so it’s easier when commenting out conditions on exploratory SQL queries.
Example: WHERE 1 Equals 1
/* where 1=1 example */
-- and column1='blah'
and column2='more_blah'
-- and column3 is not null
You can see this would be easier for commenting out WHERE conditions in the SQL ^
Example (Extra): Commenting Columns
This is similar to another SQL querying technique where you have commas before column names, rather than after the column name.
Again, this might work out well for you when commenting out columns on a work-in-progress SQL query.
-- ,Column2
-- ,Column5
Personally, I often make use of both of the above techniques when I write SQL queries.
Convenience is everything when working behind a computer. We have to keep exploring new short keys and any general ways of working to optimize our efficiency. Some things you might not like and won’t adopt, and sometimes GUI is better than CLI. It’s all personal preference, in the end, choose what you are most optimal with.
If you wonder what would happen if we change the WHERE 1=1 to WHERE 1=2, have a look at my other blog post – Why Use WHERE 1=2 in SQL
As always, this kind of task can be done using a management
tool like MySQL WorkBench or via command.
First up, I’ll get connected to MySQL via CLI.
CREATE USER and then GRANTING SELECT capabilities for all tables* within a ‘milk’ database. The first SQL steps here for me are to create the test database & table.
-- Create test database & table
USE milk;
CREATE TABLE animal (id INT, type VARCHAR(50), breed VARCHAR(50), age DATE);
INSERT INTO animal (1,'cow','white with black spots','2009-10-06');
INSERT INTO animal VALUES (2,'cow','black with white spots','2011-12-16');
-- Create Linked Server user
CREATE USER 'linked_server_sql1'@'172.31.1.%' IDENTIFIED BY 'eCh0Ch4rl1E';
GRANT SELECT ON milk.* TO 'linked_server_sql1'@'172.31.1.%';
My connections are within the network, so I’m adding in a wildcard (%) for all addresses on this range to be allowed to connect with this login.
If I want to test this new MySQL login locally, I can create the user using ‘localhost’ too. Below I’m opening the mysql.exe file rather than using the MySQL Command Line Client application which logs in as root.
Put on the User hat and do what you need to do.
I only wanted read-only access,
which I can confirm with a quick write test.
That’s our Linked Server MySQL login ready!
The above can also be done with a tool like MySQL WorkBench too; run the same commands above in a query window or via the Users and Privileges window. The new user account below would be able to connect from any host address.
Configure ODBC Data Source Settings
The MySQL ODBC driver download can be found here. Download & install on the SQL Server host machine.
Note; at the time of writing this the most recent MySQL ODBC Driver version is 8.0.20. I’ve had to install version 8.0.18 as the 2 most recent versions were showing an error message on install.
Run ODBC Data Sources
as Administrator.
Click into the System
DSN tab and click Add.
Select the MySQL ODBC
Unicode driver.
Enter all details required as shown. If you can see the database names the connection is all good so click OK.
Create Linked Server to a MySQL Database
Within SSMS; expand Server Objects, right-click Linked Servers and select New Linked Server.
The Linked server
name at the top of the next window is what you’ll need to include in
queries, so choose that wisely.
Then choose a provider for ODBC and enter the Data Source name which you named within the ODBC driver settings above.
Enter the MySQL login details as created above within this post.
I’m leaving all Server Options as defaults.
Before I hit OK I’m scripting this out to code.
USE [master]
EXEC master.dbo.sp_addlinkedserver
@server = N'MYSQL_SERVER_1',
USE [master]
EXEC master.dbo.sp_addlinkedsrvlogin
@rmtsrvname = N'MYSQL_SERVER_1',
@locallogin = NULL ,
@useself = N'False',
@rmtuser = N'linked_server_sql1',
@rmtpassword = N'eCh0Ch4rl1E'
When ready, take a breath, then hit OK or execute the SQL.
Have a look in the SSMS Object Explorer to view the new Linked Server. We should be able to drill into the database & objects we have permission to.
Now run queries to our MySQL Server using OPENQUERY.
As of the 2017 Edition of SQL Server we have been able to install SQL Server on Linux. Linux will likely be more of an unfamiliar environment for traditional Microsoft SQL DBAs. This guide should hopefully help you when you need to check the status of SQL Services and Stop/Start services on a Linux host.
The examples provided in this post utilise the systemctl command. Many Linux distributions use systemctl as a tool for managing services including CentOS, Ubuntu, Debian & RedHat.
Note that the systemctl command is not available in some Linux distributions, including if you are running Linux on WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux). This is because Ubuntu WSL does not use the systemd init system, which is what systemctl is designed to manage.
To show all enabled services on a Linux system, use the following command:
systemctl list-unit-files | grep enabled
If your service is not on the list of enabled services, it will not start automatically on the next system reboot. To enable the SQL Server service with systemctl, use the following command : sudo systemctl enable mssql-server
Check Status of SQL Server Service on Linux
The systemctl status mssql-server command is used to check the current status of the SQL Server service on your system. This command will display information about the service, including whether its currently active or not.
sudo systemctl status mssql-server
If the SQL Service is active, the output of the command will include the text “active (running)” in green. This indicates that the service is currently running and is available to process requests.
If the service is not active, the output will include the text “inactive (dead)” in red. This indicates that the service is not currently running, and may need to be started or restarted in order to be used.
To stop, start, or restart the SQL Server service on Linux, you can use the systemctl command.
sudo systemctl stop mssql-server
To start the service again, use the following command:
sudo systemctl start mssql-server
To restart the service, use the following command:
sudo systemctl restart mssql-server
After running any of these commands, it is always a good idea to check the status of the service to make sure that the desired action was completed successfully. You can do this using the systemctl status mssql-server command as shown in the screenshot.
If you’re ever planning to allow external connections to a SQL Server, one of the first things to ensure is that the data is encrypted at rest and in transit.
SQL Server has an option where we can force all connections on a SQL Server to be encrypted, which ensures us that we’re achieving encryption for our SQL connectivity.
Open the Certificate tab and you should be able to view & select the new certificate from the drop-down menu.
Click to Apply & Ok out of the window – I’m doing the Forcing of Encryption separate (below).
You’ll get this prompt.
Restart the SQL Services from the configuration manager. If your services don’t start back up again, then ensure the service accounts have the appropriate permissions. For this demo, my AD Service Accounts are members of the local Administrators group.
Force Encryption in SQL Server
Right click Protocols for MSSQLSERVER, select Properties and within the Flags tab enable the Force Encryption option.
Restart the SQL Services.
Verify SQL Server Connectivity is Encrypted
Open a local and/or remote query session. You may have to ensure the Encrypt connection & Trust server certificate options are checked.
Logs are always important if you’re supporting systems. The SQL Server Agent has always been a heavily used tool in my experience, so writing execution trace messages to the logs might help investigate an issue one day.
Because this option can cause the error log to become large, only include execution trace messages in SQL Server Agent error logs when investigating a specific SQL Server Agent problem.
I’ve never enabled this before and discovered the option today. It does appear to make a big difference in the volume of Error Logs.
Write Execution Trace Messages to the SQL Agent Error Log
1. Right-click SQL Server Agent within the SSMS Object Explorer.
2. Enable the ‘Include execution trace messages’ box.
To backup a database in SQL Server with Encryption, run the BACKUP DATABASE command with the ENCRYPTION option added to the SQL statement, and specify the valid encryption certificate name.
Backing up a SQL Server Database with Encryption is the secure way of performing your SQL Server backups. If your MSSQL database backups are off-site and/or you have sensitive customer information stored on them, then you may consider encrypting your database backups.
Since SQL Server 2012, it has not been possible to create a SQL backup with a password (PASSWORD/MEIAMPASSWORD backup options).
Have a look at the new certificate by querying sys.certificates (think about expiry dates).
Now backup the database.
-- backup database with encryption mssql
BACKUP DATABASE [Computer_World] TO DISK = N'C:\Temp_MSSQL_Backups\computer_world_full.bak'
The database has successfully been backed up with encryption.
The warning we see is regarding the certificate created prior to the backup.
Warning: The certificate used for encrypting the database encryption key has not been backed up. You should immediately back up the certificate and the private key associated with the certificate. If the certificate ever becomes unavailable or if you must restore or attach the database on another server, you must have backups of both the certificate and the private key or you will not be able to open the database.
I have another post to guide through a certificate backup here.
It’s important to backup SQL Server Certificates, but only if you’re using them really.
If for example, your SQL Server database backups are encrypted and you need to restore it on another server, then you will need both the certificate and private key that was used.
This post is a guide on backing up a SQL Server certificate, ensuring we have a copy of the certificate and private keys.
Backup a SQL Server Certificate
Check your existing server certificates by querying sys.certificates, you’ll need the certificate name.
Use Master
SELECT name, pvt_key_encryption_type_desc, subject, start_date, expiry_date, key_length
FROM sys.certificates
This is a quick guide on how to check which features are installed on a SQL Server.
Open your SQL Server installation files. You may find them within the Setup Bootstrap folder (“C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\150\Setup Bootstrap\SQL2019”) or you might already have the ISO handy.
The SQL Server discovery report is saved to %ProgramFiles%\MicrosoftSQL Server\nnn\Setup Bootstrap\Log\<last Setup Session>.
‘nnn’ is whatever version of SQL Server you have: # SQL Server 2012 (110) # SQL Server 2014 (120) # SQL Server 2016 (130) # SQL Server 2016 (130) # SQL Server 2017 (140) # SQL Server 2019 (150)
If you’re using PowerShell, Get-Content will work… tab your way through the sub-folders.
The highlighted area above shows only the Database Engine Services are installed of SQL Server 2019 Developer Edition.