How to Rename a Computer that Hosts SQL Server
When changing the hostname of a computer that is running SQL Server, we have to update system metadata so that remote connections and applications do not lose connectivity.
Windows Administration Blog Archives, by Peter Whyte (Database Administrator).
Includes: Database Admin, Windows Admin, PowerShell, WSL & more...
When changing the hostname of a computer that is running SQL Server, we have to update system metadata so that remote connections and applications do not lose connectivity.
This post is a guide on how to check what service is running for a TCP or UDP port on a Windows host computer.
This post will help you to check your local Windows Firewall status using PowerShell (whether it’s off or on for each Profile).
This post is contains a demo on how to enable Windows Firewall with PowerShell in Windows Server. This might be needed if you have discovered Windows Firewall is disabled on your or multiple computers, or you might want to re-enable it after disabling this for a test (see my other post on disabling instead of enabling).
This post contains a demo on how to disable Windows Firewall with PowerShell on a Windows computer. Disabling the Local Firewall on Windows is not a recommended move, and it will ultimately make your computer less secure.
This is a post to share an opinion on the best Terminal for Windows 2022. The answer to all our needs in the year 2022 is Windows Terminal.
To reboot WSL, run wsl --shutdown to stop WSL distros then enter back into WSL as you normally would to start it back up again.
This is a guide on how to restart a Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) distribution on your local machine. This might be needed if your WSL instance or app within has thrown an error message, or you are changing the .wslconfig file/memory limits as described in MS Docs.
This is a post on how to upgrade to WSL 2. The demo below will explain the process of upgrading an installed Windows Subsystem for Linux distribution from running WSL version 1 to WSL version 2.
This is a post on how to downgrade from WSL version 2 to WSL 1. The demo below will explain the process of downgrading an installed Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) distribution, from WSL2 to WSL1.