Category: Windows Server Admin

Windows Server Admin blog which includes guides to boost performance and efficiency, written by an experienced Microsoft SQL DBA, Peter Whyte.

  • How to Set Environment Variables in PowerShell

    Environment variables store key information on your system that programs can use to influence their behavior. For example, the AWS CLI uses the AWS_REGION variable to determine the region for API requests. This guide will cover:– Listing all environment variables– Retrieving the value of a specific environment variable–…

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  • How to Get Environment Variables on Windows

    Environment variables in Windows contain information about the system’s environment, such as the directories containing executables or the system’s PATH. Programs can use these variables to find resources on the computer. They can be set at the system level or for individual user accounts and can be modified…

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  • How to Create a New Firewall Rule with PowerShell

    In this bog post I’m sharing a guide on how to create a new Firewall Rule with PowerShell. We’ll create a new inbound rule using a PowerShell script for the local Windows Firewall, to allow SQL Server (port 1433). Script to Create a New Firewall Rule for SQL…

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  • How to Run PowerShell Scripts with Task Scheduler

    Automating PowerShell scripts is a much needed task for Windows Administrators. The Task Scheduler provides a reliable way to execute scripts on a predefined schedule, eliminating the need for manual intervention. This guide covers both the command and GUI methods for how to run PowerShell scripts from Task…

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  • Restart Services on Multiple Hosts using PowerShell

    In this post, we’ll walk through a script that restarts services on multiple remote hosts using PowerShell. A single PowerShell command will be run on several computers at the same time. If you need to run a command on multiple remote machines, the PowerShell Invoke-Command cmdlet is a…

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  • How to Rename a Computer that Hosts SQL Server

    When changing the hostname of a computer that is running SQL Server, we have to update system metadata so that remote connections and applications do not lose connectivity. This guide provides a clear, step-by-step approach to updating SQL Server metadata after a hostname change. This is more often…

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  • How to Check Listening Ports on Windows

    This guide will show you how to check which service is running on a specific TCP or UDP port on a Windows computer. This can be useful for verifying which service is tied to a port or proactively checking for any dodgy (suspicious) open ports. In this post,…

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  • How to Check Windows Firewall Status with PowerShell

    Want to quickly check whether your Windows Firewall is enabled or disabled? This guide shows you how to use PowerShell to get the status of your local Windows Firewall for each profile. PowerShell cmdlets follow a standard format: verb-noun. The verb describes the action, and the noun specifies…

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  • How to Enable Windows Firewall using PowerShell

    Windows Firewall is an essential security feature that protects your system from unauthorized access and threats. If it has been disabled for testing or mistakenly turned off, you can quickly re-enable it using PowerShell. This guide provides a straightforward process to restore your firewall settings and ensure a…

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