Category: MySQL

MySQL Blog Archives, by Peter Whyte (SQL Server Database Admin). Includes MySQL posts from a SQL Server DBA’s perspective!

  • Why Use WHERE 1=2 in SQL

    Some time ago I wrote a blog post on why use WHERE 1=1 in SQL. This time it’s why use WHERE 1=2, but really this can be WHERE 1=9 or anything that isn’t a 1, we just want the false statement. WHERE 1=1 is TRUE; has no difference…

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  • Why use WHERE 1=1 in SQL Queries

    A common SQL question is, why would anyone use WHERE 1=1 in their queries? And what does it do? The WHERE 1=1 condition means WHERE TRUE. It returns the same query result as it would without the WHERE Clause. There is no impact on query execution time. This…

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  • Creating a Linked Server with a MySQL Database

    This is my 3rd Linked Server demo post, and this time it’s to a MySQL database. Noteworthy weblinks: # My Linked Server Blog Posts.# Microsoft Docs – Linked Servers. Here is a simple diagram of the setup in this post. The above was setup similar to what’s included…

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  • How to Create MySQL Databases & Tables

    This blog post is a guide on how to create databases and tables in MySQL, from a Windows and Linux computer. The information included here should help beginners who are new to MySQL. To create a new database in MySQL, and many other relational database systems we use…

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  • Installing MySQL 8.0 on Windows

    A simple run-through of installing MySQL Community Server 8.0, including MySQL Workbench on Windows. Don’t forget to checkout the MySQL Installation documentation, and here’s a link to prerequisites. Installing MySQL Open the MySQL installer exe as downloaded from the link above. Accept License Agreement and Next. I would…

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