Get Last Database Restore DateTimes in SQL Server
This post contains a script to help you get the last dates and times for when your databases were last restored in SQL Server.
This post contains a script to help you get the last dates and times for when your databases were last restored in SQL Server.
This post contains a SQL script that will return a list of all SQL Server Agent Jobs on a Microsoft SQL Server instance.
Restoring a database in SQL Server is a straightforward task, and one that SQL Database Administrators have to perform thousands of times throughout their career.
Some time ago I wrote a blog post on why use WHERE 1=1 in SQL. This time it’s why use WHERE 1=2, but really this can be WHERE 1=9 or anything that isn’t a 1, we just want the false statement.
USE [database] in SQL Server is a way to change the context to a specific database when you are running a query in Microsoft SQL Server.
A common SQL question is, why would anyone use WHERE 1=1 in their queries? And what does it do? The WHERE 1=1 condition means WHERE TRUE.
As of the 2017 Edition of SQL Server we have been able to install SQL Server on Linux. Linux will likely be more of an unfamiliar environment for traditional Microsoft SQL DBAs.
This is a post on how-to on changing the schema of a table in SQL Server, moving it from one schema to another using the ALTER SCHEMA [tableName] TRANSFER SQL statement.
There are many ways to check the size of a table in SQL Server. The way you will do it will likely depend on what your task at hand is.