How to Check Windows Firewall Status with PowerShell
This post will help you to check your local Windows Firewall status using PowerShell (whether it’s off or on for each Profile).
PowerShell & Windows Admin Blog Archives, by Peter Whyte (SQL Database Administrator). Includes a lot of WSL posts & more...
This post will help you to check your local Windows Firewall status using PowerShell (whether it’s off or on for each Profile).
This post is contains a demo on how to enable Windows Firewall with PowerShell in Windows Server. This might be needed if you have discovered Windows Firewall is disabled on your or multiple computers, or you might want to re-enable it after disabling this for a test (see my other post on disabling instead of enabling).
This post contains a demo on how to disable Windows Firewall with PowerShell on a Windows computer. Disabling the Local Firewall on Windows is not a recommended move, and it will ultimately make your computer less secure.
This is a post to share an opinion on the best Terminal for Windows 2022. The answer to all our needs in the year 2022 is Windows Terminal.
In this post, I share a script that will help you create folders and sub-folders with PowerShell if they do not already exist.
This is a post on how to create new files and folders using PowerShell. Creating new files and folders in Windows is generally done via GUI.
This is a post on how to change a Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) Distribution from running on Version 2 to Version 1.
This is a post on how to reboot a Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) virtual machine environment on your local machine.
WSL allows users to develop and run applications within a GNU/Linux environment on a Windows computer. Previous to this Windows Feature you might have needed VM’s or a dual boot setup for this type of test/development environment.
This is a post on how to help manage S3 Buckets with AWS CLI, and to help explain some local Operating System (OS) considerations when running such commands.