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Backing up a SQL Server Certificate
May 4, 2020
Backing up a SQL Server Certificate

It’s important to backup SQL Server Certificates, but only if you’re using them really. If for example, your SQL Server database backups are encrypted and you need to restore it on another server, then you will need both the certificate and private key that was used.

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Install SQL Server on Linux
April 27, 2020
Installing SQL Server on Linux

A post on installing SQL Server on Linux, following the Microsoft SQL Server 2019 Guide (Red Hat). # Install SQL Server.# Install the SQL Server Command-Line Tools.# Connect to SQL Server Locally.# Connect to SQL Server Remotely.

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Installing Firewalld on Linux
April 27, 2020
Installing Firewalld on Linux

This post contains installation notes for installing Firewalld on an Amazon Linux 2 EC2 instance. Firewalld is a Linux firewall tool that makes it easy to create custom firewall rules.

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