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Recent Posts
30-11-20, Find String in Tables in SQL Server
27-11-20, Show Only the Domain of an Email Address in SQL Server
25-11-20, USE in SQL Server
23-11-20, Change Default Database in SQL Server
13-11-20, Install oh-my-posh in Windows
12-11-20, Install Windows Terminal (WT)
11-11-20, Install posh-git on Windows
10-11-20, Install Chocolatey on Windows
04-10-20, Disk Usage by Top Tables Report in SQL Server
28-09-20, Change Git Remote URL to SSH (from HTTPS)
27-09-20, List all Schemas/Tables/Columns in RedShift & Postgres
26-09-20, Create a Superuser in RedShift
25-09-20, Create a Test AWS RedShift Cluster
22-09-20, Show Last Backup Times in SQL Server
21-09-20, Why use WHERE 1=1 in SQL Queries
08-09-20, Setup SSH Keys in WSL
07-09-20, “Config Lock Failed Operation not Permitted” – Linux Linked Folders
07-09-20, Install Git on Windows
06-09-20, Create a Link Between Local Windows Files and WSL
05-09-20, Access Local Files from Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)
04-09-20, Reinstall a WSL Distro
03-09-20, Enable Windows Subsystem for Linux (with Ubuntu 18.04)
30-07-20, Remove Quotes from a CSV File with PowerShell
16-07-20, “..ps1 cannot be loaded because running scripts is disabled on this system”
15-07-20, Creating a Linked Server with a MySQL Database
14-07-20, Check & Restart SQL Server Services on Linux
Linux, MySQL, PostgreSQL, PowerShell, SQL Server, RedShift, Windows, WordPress
Certificates & Encryption, CSV Files, Database Admin, Database Backups, Data Types, Deleting Data, Error Messages, Exporting Data, Importing Data, Installing SQL Server, Linked Servers, Linux Admin, Logging & Monitoring, Measuring Databases, Restoring Databases, SQL Server Agent, SQL Server Management Studio, SQL Server Processes, Windows Admin, WordPress Technical Issues, WordPress Tutorials, WSL
Hi, I’m Pete
Hello and welcome to my website, which is a place for me to store all my notes as I blog away as a software enthusiast.
My area of interest very much revolves around Database Administration (DBA), so there will be a lot of RDMS related posts on here, particularly SQL Server.
It’s been an amazing journey working away at this blog which I started in January 2017. Like anything, practise makes perfect. My hope is to continue to improve my writing and all the other skills required to run a blog. It’s been a long and fun journey so far… and I feel like I’m just getting started!
I hope you enjoy, and feel free to comment on posts or write me a line any time. I’d apprecaite any critique or feedback you may have.