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October 27, 2021
Get-TimeZone in PowerShell

The Get-TimeZone command in PowerShell returns the current Time Zone of a computer, or it can be used to list all available Time Zones which will be useful if you’re planning on making changes to timezones.

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PowerShell Get-Service
October 26, 2021
Get-Service in PowerShell

Get-Service is a command in PowerShell that returns a list of Services on a Computer. This post is a quick guide on running this command in a PowerShell terminal, using a wildcard ( * ) to show me my services with “SQL”

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April 1, 2021
Redshift JDBC Driver Download

A handy post to note down the JDBC client driver download. I’m frequently in need of this myself. You can download the JDBC driver from the AWS Docs and then gain your cluster endpoint address from the main Redshift dashboard window Instead of doing the above, you navigate to the Configure tab in the Redshift console and download the JDBC driver &

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February 8, 2021
AWS CLI – List IAM Users

AWS CLI – List IAM Users The aws iam list-users is a handy command for managing your AWS IAM users. It lets you get a list of all the users in your AWS account, along with some basic info about each one.

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